Tracheostomy Simulator, XC-454, ESMC, Xinch Scientific, China


Product Name: 
XC-454 Tracheostomy Simulator
Product No:   XC-454
Origin: China
Material:  PVC

1. Trachea anatomy is standard; trachea is touchable.
2. Simulate dorsal position and neck extending
3. Percutaneous tracheostomy, including various incisions: longitudinal incision, transverse incision, crisscross incision, U shape and inverted-U shape incision
4. Cricothyrotomy endotracheal intubation.

Packing:  1pcs/carton, 43x25x35cm, 4.5kgs
Supplier: Elite Scientific & Meditech Co., Click for inquiry & purchase
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Product Name: 
XC-454 Tracheostomy Simulator
Product No:   XC-454
Origin: China
Material:  PVC

1. Trachea anatomy is standard; trachea is touchable.
2. Simulate dorsal position and neck extending
3. Percutaneous tracheostomy, including various incisions: longitudinal incision, transverse incision, crisscross incision, U shape and inverted-U shape incision
4. Cricothyrotomy endotracheal intubation.

Packing:  1pcs/carton, 43x25x35cm, 4.5kgs
Supplier: Elite Scientific & Meditech Co., Click for inquiry & purchase
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Images are reference purpose only. Actual product may be different.

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