Reference sand
CEN reference sand, Normensand GmbH, Germany
- The representative organization of the cement industry in Europe, CEMBUREAU, commissioned our company with the production of CEN Reference Sand.
- Each produced CEN Standard Sand has frequently to prove that its EN 196-1 performance is comparable to the performance of the CEN Reference Sand.
- To ensure, as long as possible, comparable cement performance within the world wide cement production our company produced a sustainable amount of this CEN Reference Sand.
- Considering the CEN Reference Sand consumption of the last years, our inventory lasts at least further 50 years.
- box filled with 9 glasses of 1350 g CEN Reference Sand
- weight of one box: 16.7 kg
- produced according to EN 196-1
- naturally rounded quartz sand
- sales supervising by the DIN Standards Committee Building and Civil Engineering (DIN-NABau)
- serially numbered and registered boxes to ensure product traceability
Other products-
- CEN Standard Sand EN 196-1
- Standard Sand DIN 1164/58
- Analyses Sieves Test Sand
- Test Dust
CEN reference sand, Normensand GmbH, Germany
- The representative organization of the cement industry in Europe, CEMBUREAU, commissioned our company with the production of CEN Reference Sand.
- Each produced CEN Standard Sand has frequently to prove that its EN 196-1 performance is comparable to the performance of the CEN Reference Sand.
- To ensure, as long as possible, comparable cement performance within the world wide cement production our company produced a sustainable amount of this CEN Reference Sand.
- Considering the CEN Reference Sand consumption of the last years, our inventory lasts at least further 50 years.
- box filled with 9 glasses of 1350 g CEN Reference Sand
- weight of one box: 16.7 kg
- produced according to EN 196-1
- naturally rounded quartz sand
- sales supervising by the DIN Standards Committee Building and Civil Engineering (DIN-NABau)
- serially numbered and registered boxes to ensure product traceability
Other products-
- CEN Standard Sand EN 196-1
- Standard Sand DIN 1164/58
- Analyses Sieves Test Sand
- Test Dust
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