Liquid limit device_ Motorised/Hand operated


#Liquid limit device


Hand operated / Motorised Model

Hand Operated

With consists of a brass cup held on an adjustable bracket. The bowl can be adjusted for a fall raised & dropped on a rubber of standard hardness by cam action. Complete with one casagrande grooving tool, one ASTM grooving tools and a height gauge block. Hand operated, with counter. As per IS : 2720 (Part-V), IS : 9259, BS : 1377, AS : 89

Motorised Model

With consists of a brass cup held on an adjustable bracket. The bowl can be adjusted for a fall raised & dropped on a rubber of standard hardness by cam action. Complete with one casagrande-grooving tool, one ASTM grooving tools and a height gauge block. With counter. Fitted with a motor geared down to give approximately 120 RPM. Suitable for operation on 230 Volts, single phase, 50 cycles, A.C. supply.

#Liquid limit device


Hand operated / Motorised Model

Hand Operated

With consists of a brass cup held on an adjustable bracket. The bowl can be adjusted for a fall raised & dropped on a rubber of standard hardness by cam action. Complete with one casagrande grooving tool, one ASTM grooving tools and a height gauge block. Hand operated, with counter. As per IS : 2720 (Part-V), IS : 9259, BS : 1377, AS : 89

Motorised Model

With consists of a brass cup held on an adjustable bracket. The bowl can be adjusted for a fall raised & dropped on a rubber of standard hardness by cam action. Complete with one casagrande-grooving tool, one ASTM grooving tools and a height gauge block. With counter. Fitted with a motor geared down to give approximately 120 RPM. Suitable for operation on 230 Volts, single phase, 50 cycles, A.C. supply.

Relevant Standard

IS : 2720 (Part-V)

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